上田優子 Yuko Ueda

Artist Statement

My main focus is expressive colors and harmonies of materials.
My inspiration comes from nature, life and the human spirit.

Personal visual experiences of color and shape in nature are the deepest motives of my art work. Poetic memory fragments, –such as vibrant flowers, wild berry’s, vivid red in the winter field, or stormy sky, dark grey, a rainbow, salmon pink clouds shines over the water.–They are often recalled as elements and appear on my canvases. It is not a record, but an appearance.

I collect small man-made materials and natural pieces to incorporate them onto canvases. It is a joy to see all individual colors and materials harmonize altogether. Abstract painting is to me about combination of spontaneous action and control. Each stroke and drip, lines and color layers reflect my thoughts and feelings. In front of the canvas, I feel pleasure becoming a medium itself, I create my art works in a quite natural way.

